Meet our Staff

Matthew Olson, Family3 Ministries Director

Matt Olson, Director of Family3 Ministries

Matt began his ministry at St. John in 2011 as Director of Youth Ministries.  As of November 2017 he has taken on the role of Director of Family3 Ministries where the further development of children, youth, young adult, marriage and parenting ministries are underway.

Along with his wife, Shantell, Matt received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies with a Youth & Family Ministry major from the Lutheran Bible Institute of Seattle.

Matt, Shantell and their three daughters have shared their family adventures and faith journeys’ within the following communities in which he has served:   Yankton, SD; Detroit Lakes, MN and Box Hill (Melbourne) Australia.

Athletics, choir, band and photography were his growing up pursuits with cross-country and track being where he excelled (a North Dakota State Champion in both fields & nearly a Collegiate (NAIA) All-American as a freshman in cross-country.)  However, the call to full time professional ministry changed his ambitions.

The adventure of Marriage and Parenting has kept Matthew and Shantell both running in new ways.  With his oldest daughter, Paige, now a nurse, his second, Sydney, soon to be a dental hygenist and his youngest, Mya, headed to college very soon, the understanding that “time flies” is all too evident.  Both gratitude and guilt wrestle within his psyche when reflecting on memories where joyous times are cherished and missed ones, as well as messed up ones, still are being healed.

He believes that seizing the day for building deeper relationships with one’s spouse and children happens best when one seeks to solidify and grow in a relationship with Jesus who is both our example and source of “abundant life.”

Matthew’s Confirmation / Life verse is:

“Let us run with determination the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.”  (Hebrews 12:1b-2a)

Matt can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Mark Lynn, Youth Ministry Director

Mark Lynn, Youth Director

Mark and his wife, Rachel, moved to the Hill Country from Lafayette, IN in June 2021. He is in the role of Youth Director at St. John.  Rachel works as a math professor at Schreiner University.

Mark and Rachel have been fostering kids for the last several years and hope to continue to do that in Texas. When he is not out running around with kids, Mark enjoys playing board games, hiking, and reading.


Mark can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Claudia Culvert, Office Administrator

Claudia Culvert

Claudia joined the St. John Staff July 2017 as Office Administrator. She has added to her daily responsibilities and is now serving as the Finance Administrator for the church. Claudia has extensive experience with financial and administrative tasks, having held positions in the legal, medical, business, and non-profit fields.

Claudia graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor’s of Arts; Texas Woman’s University with a Master’s in Library Science; and is currently working on a Master’s in Health Education.

In her spare time, Claudia enjoys photography and spending time with her family.

Claudia can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

T.J. Bazzoon, Music Director

T.J. Bazzoon

T.J. Bazzoon became the first full time director of music at St. John in 2002 at the age of 28. He holds a Master’s degree in music (organ) from the University of Texas at Austin. At St. John, T.J. directs the sanctuary choir, the handbells, coordinates the brass and instrumentalists, and serves as the organist and pianist. In his tenure as music director, several premier music groups have performed concerts at St. John including the Texas Lutheran Concert Band, the San Antonio Chamber Choir, the Children’s Choir of Wyoming, jazz artist Ron Wilkins, and many more. Also, T.J. compiled and edited the St. John Hymnal (red hymnal) which has introduced over 100 new songs to the church. When T.J. isn’t leading music at St. John, he teaches piano privately as well as online.

T.J. can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Mark Alberthal, Finance Administrator

Mark joined the staff at St John in July of 2017 as Finance Administrator.  Mark previously was retired from USAA after 22 years as a Senior IT Systems Analyst/Programmer.

In his spare time, he enjoys vacations and spending time at home with his dogs and plants.

Mark can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Tracey Greenwald, Director of Communications

Tracey Greenwald

Tracey joined our team in June of 2017 as the central point of contact for all communications involving St. John. With 20+ years of experience in graphic and web design, and an extensive background in marketing, Tracey is responsible for all internal and external marketing efforts including the St. John website, social media, bulletins, slideshows, newsletters, signage, flyers, etc.

Recent transplants from the Midwest, Tracey, her husband Bob, and their 2 teenage daughters, Ashley and Ally, live in Fair Oaks Ranch and are loving the friendliness of the people and the mild winters of Texas.

Tracey can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Tiffany Jureczki, Nursery and Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Tiffany Jureczki

Tiffany Jureczki joined our team in 2006. She has over 20 years experience working with children of all ages in different capacities. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Reading Education. She holds many certifications and enjoys attending conferences and trainings. She believes you can never stop learning!

Tiffany and her husband Jeff have 4 children and live in the beautiful hill country. The church is her second home and you can find her in the nursery, always planning for new events to involve children in the church and the Boerne community.

Tiffany can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]

Amy Townsend, Hospitality Coordinator

Amy can be reached by calling the church office at 830-249-3651 or by email at: [email protected]