St. John supports several international organizations and offers mission trips to support those that need our help. We seek to serve by investing our time and talents into meaningful service and sharing the good news of Christ Jesus! Listed below are some of the international organizations that St. John helps, as well as some of the upcoming mission trips offered. We welcome you to find out more and become involved!
Our next Honduras Mission Trip to support Project Talitha Cumi (PTC) will be in July of 2025.
To learn more about this trip and how you can help, contact Brad Allen: [email protected].
More information will be posted here as the mission trip gets closer. Check back for updates!
Ministers to the abused and abandoned children of Honduras. Their goal is to raise girls in a Godly environment and educate them so that they might go out into the country of Honduras and influence it for the kingdom of God.
Way to get Involved: Contact Contact the church office (830-249-3651) or Brad Allen to attend meetings to find out how to go on, or provide support for, mission trips taken periodically to Project Talitha Cumi in Honduras. St John provides an annual gift to support the organization. If you would like to contribute to the organization through Church please designate your giving at the church office or in the Sunday collection.
Check out the video about the Project Talitha Cumi Library:
Check out the video from the 2019 Mission Trip:
Works to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice, and human suffering.
Ways to get Involved: St John provides an annual gift to support the organization. If you would like to contribute to the organization through Church please designate your giving at the church office or in the Sunday collection.
*If you buy things on, sign up for Amazon Smile, and you can designate LWR to receive a portion of the proceeds from your purchases.
Located in Eastern Uganda, in a predominately Muslim community, this group of pastors and Christian leaders has been serving the spiritual needs by pastoring and planting evangelical Christian churches, providing Christian primary school education to several hundred underprivileged children, and providing Christian leadership development through a Bible School. A growing medical clinic and child sponsorship ministry ensures the well-being of the children and the community.
Contact Person: Outreach Committee
Way to get Involved: Contact the Outreach Committee to learn how you can get involved.
Chris Knippa leads an annual trip each year to provide potable water to needing communities in Africa.
Contact Person: Chris Knippa
Way to get Involved: Contact Contact the church office (830-249-3651) or Chris to learn about mission opportunities. St John provides an annual gift to support this effort. If you would like to contribute to the effort please designate your giving at the church office or in the Sunday collection.
Way to get Involved: See the organizations web site for volunteer opportunities. St John provides an annual gift to support the organization. If you would like to contribute to the organization through Church please designate your giving at the church office or in the Sunday collection.