Easter 2020


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Palm Sunday: April 5


Maundy Thursday, April 9, is Cancelled

The Maundy Thursday service revolves around the washing of feet and the celebration of the Last Supper, neither of which is possible at a time when we cannot gather as a community.  St. John’s leadership team spent much time trying to work through the logistics of a drive-thru communion service; however, due to concerns for the safety of our worshipers, the decision was made to cancel this service.


Good Friday, April 10, will be livestreamed at 7pm

The Good Friday service will be livestreamed at 7pm. This will be a Tenebrae service and we invite and encourage you to participate from home! We want your family to be involved in worship! What better way to spend Good Friday?

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Find 8 candles.  If you do not have candles available, we will be assembling packages that you will be able to pick up from church. More details on this to follow.
2. Check out the online version of our bulletin on our website. Closer to Good Friday, we will have a .pdf file that you can print and use to follow the service from your home.
3. Livestream the service at 7pm.
4. As we light and extinguish the candles in the Sanctuary during the service, your family can light and extinguish candles from home.


Download the bulletin of the Good Friday service so you can follow along!

Good Friday Bulletin WATCH LIVE HERE



Easter Sunday, April 12,  will be livestreamed at 10:45am

The Easter Sunday service will be livestreamed online at 10:45am.  Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This is a day to glorify and praise the Lord, for He is Risen Indeed!

Easter Sunday Bulletin WATCH LIVE HERE